Healthcare workers that are fighting on the frontlines to stop the spread of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 are HEROES.
Full stop.
Whether you are an EMS provider, a receptionist at a pediatrician’s office, an ER doctor, or a nurse spending long days caring for those with COVID-19, our hats are off to you.
We see the risk you are taking, and we stand in awe of your bravery and selfless dedication to helping others in this time of need.
We have come up with THREE ways to help you during the pandemic - PPE, Tyvek Wristbands, and Silicone Wristbands.

Like most of you reading this, we had to put our lives on hold and stay at home to do our part to help flatten the curve and slow the spread of the Coronavirus. As soon as we knew that Houston would be shutting down due to the Coronavirus, we completely changed how we operate.
We sent most of our employees home so they could continue working from there, and only kept a staggered skeleton crew for production. Then, we re-tooled our production space, as well as our main office, into a 3D Printer farm that is producing THOUSANDS of VA Approved face shields each week. In an economy that is laying people off by the thousands, we've had to hire more people to keep up with the demand, and to maintain 24/7 production!
Right: a healthcare worker in a local hospital wearing a face shield, completing her PPE.
Below: The current state of our corporate office.

Check out this local news coverage of our efforts.
Please visit www.ppe3d.com to learn more.

Most hospitals and healthcare facilities have a system of color-coding that they use to identify parts of the building, specific instructions regarding patient care, and to identify important diagnoses/risks/allergies in patients. Regardless of your color-coding scheme, we can help by getting whatever message you need printed on these durable, waterproof wristbands that are perfect for patient use and identification.
If you are in a hurry, we have the design shown above in two variations of three options.
Screened, Negative, and Positive are all available with months identified either by letter or number.

These are meant to be easy to use. Simply mark the date with a marker or small hole-punch, and then attach it to your patient.
Contact us if you require custom colors, design help, or if you have any other questions.
Finally, we have silicone wristbands. These fun and durable rubber-like bracelets are perfect for nurses and doctors to wear to remind patients of important public health and preventative topics, such as reminders to Wash Your Hands, Don’t Touch Your Face, and #flattenthecurve, or to isolate COVID-19 (+) Positive patients from others.

These long-lasting bands are easy to remove and wash, are hypoallergenic (latex-free), and can be worn in healthcare settings for years to come.
If there is any way we can support you during this crisis, please don't hesitate to ask. We are so thankful for all you do, and want to help in any way we can.