What color ribbon is for Bladder Cancer?
Bladder Cancer is represented by the unique split blue, purple, and yellow ribbon.
Other colors have been used to represent this particular cancer in the past, but the tricolor blue, purple, and yellow ribbon has gained wider acceptance in recent years because of the unique color combination.
That unique combo also helps this awareness ribbon stand out and act as a conversation starter for a cancer often overlooked.
Is there a symbol for Bladder Cancer?
While individual foundations and other organizations may use various symbols, the most common symbol used is still the blue, purple, and yellow bladder cancer ribbon.
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What is Bladder Cancer?
Bladder cancer occurs when cells in the bladder grow at an uncontrolled rate, particularly in the muscular wall of the organ.
There are several forms of bladder cancer, but the most common form is urothelial carcinoma. This is caused by cancer forming in the urothelial cells that line the walls of the bladder.
Other forms of bladder cancer include squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and both muscle and non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. [1]
Bladder Cancer Risk Factors
Average Age of Bladder Cancer Diagnoses
A bladder cancer diagnosis is most common in people over the age of 55, with an estimated average age of diagnosis of 73. [2]
While older people in general are more likely to develop this type of cancer, older men are more likely to develop the disease than older women.
American Statistics
Bladder cancer accounts for about 82,000+ new cases each year, with the bulk of those cancer cases coming from older men. In fact, the average age at diagnosis for these cases is 73. [2]
Fortunately, the rate of new cases has seen a drop in recent years.
Bladder Cancer & Older Americans
Bladder cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer in American men over age fifty. Women, particularly older women, should still undergo regular screenings for the disease.
When is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month?
Bladder cancer awareness month typically takes place each year during May, though some events to show awareness and promote research may take place as early as February or March. [3]
During the month, it's customary to wear the bladder cancer ribbon as a public show of support for those fighting the disease and to promote research.
Blue, Yellow, and Purple Ribbons: Quick Facts
Ribbon Color: Blue, Yellow, and Purple (Split)
Pantone Code: 3005C (Blue), 114C (Yellow), & 266C (Purple)
Hex Color Code: #0077C8 (Blue), #FBDD40 (Yellow), & #753BBD (Purple)
Rapidwristbands Color: Blue Purple Yellow Segmented (Contact Customer Service to order)
How Wristbands Can Help Raise Cancer Awareness
Promotional items like ribbons and wristbands are a crucial tool in helping to raise awareness for causes both well-known and rare.
At Rapidwristbands, our low cost printed-style custom wristbands can help you outfit a large event with bladder cancer ribbon inspired designs without having to spend a lot of money in the process.
Raise support with a wristband you can wear year-round!
Sell custom keychains at your fundraiser!
With our design tools, it's never been easier to support the causes you care about!
[1] National Institute of Health https://www.cancer.gov/types/bladder
[2] American Cancer Society https://www.cancer.org/cancer/bladder-cancer/about/key-statistics.html
[3] American Association of Cancer Research https://www.aacr.org/patients-caregivers/awareness-months/bladder-cancer-awareness-month/