What is the symbol of uterus cancer?
The most common cancer symbol representing uterine cancer is the peach ribbon.
This peach pink ribbon brings awareness to uterine cancer research, helps to raise funding and support for those fighting the disease, and helps inspire those who have just received a uterine cancer diagnosis.
Endometrial Cancer Ribbons
In addition to being the uterine cancer color ribbon, the peach ribbon brings awareness to endometrial cancer as well.
What is uterine cancer?
Uterine cancer refers to two types of cancers affecting the uterus:
Endometrial cancer, the more common of the two, occurs in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus.
Uterine Sarcoma is rarer, developing in the muscle wall of the uterus.
Uterine Cancer Risk Factors
Age and family history, as in many cancers, can be risk factors for developing a uterine cancer.
The average age of a woman diagnosed with a form of uterine cancer is over 55. It is uncommon to receive a diagnosis before the average age of 45.
Other conditions that upset the hormonal balance of the body may also contribute to uterine cancer risk, such as obesity, diabetes, and certain ovarian diseases.
As researchers are still unsure of the direct cause of these cancers, routine screenings are a very important element of fighting uterine cancer. (2)
What is endometrial cancer?
Endometrial cancer occurs in the lining of the uterus, and accounts for an estimated 95% of all uterine cancers cases in women.
On average, most endometrial cancer cases tend to occur after menopause.
About 3% of U.S. women will receive a uterine cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, with an estimated 65,000 new cases diagnosed each year.
Uterine cancer may not be the most common cancer among US women, but it's still vital to be vigilant for signs and symptoms. Be sure to schedule regular check-ups with your doctor or specialist.
Endometrial Cancer Risks
As with uterine sarcoma, endometrial cancer risks include age, family history, and pre-existing conditions that may alter the hormonal balance of the body.
When is uterine cancer awareness month?
Uterine Cancer Awareness Month takes place every September, just before Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. (1)
During Uterine Cancer Awareness Month, supporters of Uterine Cancer patients are encouraged to wear the peach ribbon, as well as participate in fundraising walks and events to both raise awareness and money.
When is endometrial cancer awareness month?
Endometrial Cancer Awareness Month also takes place during the month of September, with both types of cancers highlighted during a shared Gynecological Cancers Month event.
During this month, supporters hope to raise money and raise awareness for uterine cancers and uterine cancer research, as well as other cancers affecting the female reproductive organs such as ovarian and cervical cancer.
Peach Ribbon: Quick Facts
Ribbon Color: Peach
Pantone Code: 486C
Hex Code: #E8927C
Rapidwristbands Color: Peach (Contact Customer Service to order)
Breast Cancer Awareness Month as a Guide
By far the most successful cancer ribbon awareness campaign in recent years for women has been Breast Cancer Awareness.
The distinctive pink ribbon is now a common sight year-round and the support created by wearing items depicting it has been a huge tool in the fight against this common cancer.
Every disease deserves a spotlight of awareness like this, and wristbands can be a unique tool in that fight.
Ribbons for All Cancers
Create a pancreatic cancer design with our purple ribbon and the logo for your own pancreatic cancer organization.
Or choose any of our 10+ pink wristband colors to support friends and family fighting breast cancer with a pink ribbon design! Whether your cancer awareness uses a lavender ribbon, a black ribbon, or a light pink or purple design, we can accommodate any of your needs.
We want to support you to help you raise awareness, support others, promote hope, and feel represented in supporting the fight against these illnesses!
What color ribbon is for uterine and endometrial cancer?
Finding good information on the many colored ribbons used to bring attention and funding for these illnesses can be tough!
That's why we've started this series of blogs; to provide a source you can rely on, and to include information on the diseases themselves.
What color ribbon is for what cancer?
Whether it's teal ribbon for ovarian cancer or something less common like the split blue purple yellow ribbon for bladder cancer, we're excited to provide you with a resource you can count on.
Check back each month for new entries in our series!
How can wristbands spread awareness for cancers?
Ribbons are a common tool for raising awareness, and with our custom design tool and icon library we hope we can help you create a custom design that's ideal for:
Wearing year-round
Customizing to your cause
Catching attention with our vibrant color selection
Creating a design that matches any cancer ribbon colors
1. https://www.aacr.org/patients-caregivers/awareness-months/gynecologic-cancer-awareness-month/
2. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/uterine/statistics/index.htm